List of fruit varieties

List of Marketable Fruit Varieties

According to § 57a of the Seed Act the Bundessortenamt maintains and publishes a List of Marketable Fruit Varieties. This list includes varieties that are registered according to the Seed Act, varieties that are protected under the Plant Breeder’s Rights Law or under Regulation (EC) No. 2100/94 and varieties that were placed on the market before 30/09/2012 and for which a description officially recognised by the Bundessortenamt is available (Seed act § 57a (1) 1 – 5). Propagating material of these varieties can be marketed as certified material or as standard material (so-called CAC – Conformitas Agraria Communitatis) within the EU.

In addition, varieties of no intrinsic value for commercial crop production (amateur varieties) and for which an officially recognized description is available (Seed Act § 57a (1) 6) are included in the list. Propagating material of these varieties can be marketed as standard material in Germany. The list also includes varieties intended for conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources, for which a variety description has been provided to the Bundessortenamt. Propagating material of these varieties can be marketed in Germany, in limited numbers. In case of others than protected varieties or varieties registered in the National List, an application has to be filed for including a variety into the List of Marketable Fruit Varieties.

Varieties fulfilling the requirement for being marketed throughout the EU are notified by the Bundessortenamt to the EU Commission for addition to the EU variety register. The EU variety register is published by the European Commission via the electronic information system FRUMATIS (Fruit Reproductive Material Information System).

Information on fruit varieties marketable in the EU can be found here:

Varieties included in the List of Marketable Fruit Varieties according to Seed Act § 57a (1) 4 – 7 are published in the PDF documents below (only available in German):