Agriculture - new varieties - value characteristics
Here you can find the description of the value characteristics of newly listed varieties.
The expression of the characteristics is described with notes on a 1 to 9 scale. The lower notes indicate a lower level of the relevant characteristic and the higher notes indicate a higher level. For further information and details see the Descriptive Variety List.
If new varieties of a plant species are registered following the publication of the current valid Descriptive Variety List, the species is listed here. The description of the varieties listed in the current Descriptive Variety List can be accessed under “Descriptive Variety List database search”.
You can find further details on listed varieties in our Descriptive Variety Lists “cereals, maize, oil and fibre plants, legumes, beets, catch crops” and “potatoes”, which are published every year. In the Descriptive Variety Lists “forage grasses, sainfoin, clover, lucerne”, published every two years, and in the Descriptive Variety List “vines”, published occasionally.
These can be ordered from the Federal Plant Variety office in printed form and are also available for download in PDF format.