German Gene Bank for Seed Propagated Ornamentals
The Federal Plant Variety Office has been responsible for the development and coordination of the German Gene Bank for Seed Propagated Ornamentals since August 2011. It aims to create a cross-border decentralised network of various collections and inventories of seed propagated ornamentals.
Since 2012, accessions of the gene bank have been stored, propagated and their characteristics documented at the Hannover testing station by the Federal Plant Variety Office. Information, descriptions and images of the accessions are published in the German Gene Bank for Ornamentals database.
Partner organisations:
Federal Institute for Agriculture and Food (BLE)
Information and Coordination Centre for Biological Diversity (IBV)
Deichmanns Aue 29
53179 Bonn
Dürr Samen
Bayernstraße 24
72768 Reutlingen
Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI)
German Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants
06484 Quedlinburg
ProSpecieRara Deutschland gGmbH
Kartäuserstr. 49
79102 Freiburg
Coordination centre:
Katja Näthke
Osterfelddamm 80
30627 Hannover
Telephone: +49 511 9566-50
Fax: +49 511 9566-9600
Email: dgz@ bundessortenamt. de
Connecting links and documents:
- Gene Bank Quality Manual (in accordance with the European Gene Bank Integrated System AEGIS)
- Material Transfer Agreement
- Hobby Material Transfer Agreement